
The Bluff Grass - Interesting real-life incidents, funny experiences, travel, photography, reviews, poems, and more. Read, interact and make this a useful hang-out spot. You can post your comments, suggestions, and critiques under the respective blog topics.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Caught Special - 114

What: Coucal birds
Where: The avenue trees near our balcony
When: 11th April 2019, 6:35 pm
Xiaomi Mi-5

This is a series of Caught Special pictures that I captured at different places.
Please share your comments here.
To see all postings in this Caught Special series, click here.
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Saturday, July 13, 2019

Caught Grinning - 104




This is a series posting such pictures I captured at different places. Click on the picture(s) to see bigger version. Click here to view all 'Caught Grinning' postings under this series.

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Saturday, July 6, 2019

Caught Special - 113

You may have read my recent post about our Hassan, Hoysala Village Resort Trip here, and a few moments in pictures from the trip in the Caught Special -112 page here. Here are a few more moments of Birds in pictures from the trip.

What: Mynahs  
Where: Hoysala Village Resort, Hassan
When: 18th May 2019, 2:45 pm
Canon EOS 700D, 18-55mm lens

What: Pigeons
Where: Hoysala Village Resort, Hassan
When: 19th May 2019, 7:16 am
How: Canon EOS 700D, 55-250mm lens